Thursday, January 21, 2010

Please forgive us

It has been too long since we have been to this blog, or even the inbox with questions. We didn't really intend to take a break, it just sort of happened. Every time we get an email and spend time praying through an answer, it takes a lot out of us. So I think after we got going on the blog, we just needed a mental and spiritual break.

But we are back, and hoping to keep going with this blog. Thank you for those with questions and comments. We still plan to get to each one!

Just an update on our lives:

Melissa has had her 5th and final (bio) baby in October, Tad. She had her tubes tied and is done with pregnancy. Her children are so amazing, each and every one. They are hoping to adopt a sibling group in the future, but for now are raising their wonderful and crazy kids one day at a time :)

Rachel's son Brighton is 14 months old and is such a joy every day. They are 3 months into the process of adopting a newborn domestically. Things are going slow as they're in no hurry, but they are getting more and more excited to add another one to their family.

Over the summer Rachel and Joey got involved in a voluntary foster program and had a 3 year old for 4.5 months. It was life changing in many ways. It was hard to let him go, but they are still open to having more foster children in their lives and are praying about the right situation for their family.

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